Who Am I

William T. Everlearn

Now it is time for me to truly bring this site online. I will answer the first few questions that the normal reader would have. Before that some general vague concepts. There are many currents, eddies and obstacles that have brought me to this point in my life. While now I choose to live in happiness and peace, this has not always been the case. More and more of this will be opened for scrutiny as the content goes on. No story, no narrative, history, legend or documentary is divulged all at once. There are parts of me that I will not expose to air. I will endeavor to share enough to make clear any particular point I have to make. I do not intend to make any kind of tutorial for anyone else’s life. This is all my life and my experience. The lessons I have taken to heart. In short, this is me. Only me and how Willy sees the world.

The first question is usually about the author. Who is he? What is he trying to say? What right does he have to say it? What events in his story explain his point of view?

I will start with this. Change is the only sure thing in this life. The universe changes. The world changes. The land changes. People change. I have changed. The person that I was earlier in this life is not only the person that I am now, I am embarrassed by the person I was before. To this I say, the person that I was before and the events of my life are me part and parcel. Though I am not happy with the actions of the person that I was, I have to accept that person is part of who I am now. I have to accept that. The simple fact of the matter is if I hate that person then I hate the person that I am now. I have found that if a person has any level of self-loathing they stop maturing. They stop aging emotionally. They essentially become stuck in time. I have to embrace the person that I was in order to become a better, more emotionally stable person. The events I intend to portray, I think, will bare this out.

All of this being said, I am a sixty year old retiree living on the side of a mountain in West Virginia. The wife and I moved here after I retired from Federal Service. As I delve into current events, a more fortuitous move it turned out to be. I will go much more into that later. This is, in its way, more of a nebulous Curriculum Vitae of the author. I have a Bachelor’s Degree in Information Technology. I hold or held nearly every IT certificate that one in the field can reasonably earn. I am a nerd. I am an equestrian. I am a carpenter. I am an electrician. I am an auto mechanic. I am an outdoors-man. I am a reader. I am a reciter of poetry. I am a husband to one of those life changing women you are fortunate to encounter in life. I dabble as a musician. I have been a soldier. In short, he who dies with the most skill sets win.

With all of this being said, I will now start posting content on a wide range of subjects. I have no illusions of this site growing beyond an outlet, but ego dreams of becoming the next viral author.

And so it begins. Kosh